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OUR Story

Transforming Lives Since 1961

Foreign Followers
Certified Teachers
Students Enrolled
Complete Courses

Welcome to La Salle High School and College 

“La Salle High School and College Faisalabad is a wonderful International Institute in Pakistan. This is the Institute that has produced notable personalities”

Purpose and Aim of the School and College

Lasallian Education recognizes the dignity of human person and the potential of each individual whose dignity and potential can bloom if fully nurtured by genuine religion and sound education. The La Salle Brothers firmly believe in the inalienable right of every person to an education that fits a person for a productive life in a society based on religious values.

Lasallian Education takes into account the whole aggregate of a person’s human life: its physical, spiritual, intellectual, moral, individual, domestic, and social aspects, in order to elevate and perfect it in accordance with a person’s individual beliefs.

As a Pakistani school and college, LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE FAISALABAD strives to help meet the demands of our national goals and aspirations through a curriculum geared towards the current needs of the nation and social justice. It aims at assisting and guiding the students towards their higher studies and professional progress.

The kind of education that this school and college provides will help a person adjust to the community and enhance the range and quality of his/her participation in the function of society.


VISION At La Salle High School & College – Faisalabad our vision is to inspire and unleash every student’s potential and add many dimensions for successes.

  • Establish and sustain a culture that is collaborative, transparent and child – centered.
  • Create welcoming, respectful, and responsive atmosphere for all stakeholders that leads to open lines of communications.


MISSION To provide educational excellence in every section of the school & college, in every class room, for every student, every day.

  • To have a qualified and dedicated staff.   
  • To improve the staff’s potential through in-service and training.
  • To care and love the students beyond the call of duty.
  • To supports the children’s full cognitive, emotional, spiritual and physical development.

Meet Our Administration Team


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Mr. Noveed Asif

Vice Principal
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Bro .Tabish Samuel

Administrator La Salle College

Ms. Rukhsana Dominic

Headmistress Cambridge Section

Mrs. Ruby Johnson

Headmistress Girl Section 

Mrs. Cherubina Nadeem

Headmistress  Boy's High Section